Erasmus+ Programme Fewer opportunities and Inclusion support

(se kriterierne under den engelske tekst)

Erasmus+ pays particular attention to guidance, reception, physical accessibility, pedagogical and technical support services, and, especially, financing the extra costs for students and staff whose physical, mental or health-related conditions are such that their participation in Erasmus+ would not be possible without extra financial support (from here on referred to as “students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions”). This is to ensure that you can take full advantage of an Erasmus+ mobility experience.

Each higher education institution (HEI), by signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), commits to ensuring equal access and opportunities to participants from all backgrounds. Therefore, students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions can benefit from the support services that the receiving institution offers to its local students and staff.

Additional grant

For your access needs during your mobility, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant for students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions in addition to the regular Erasmus+ study or traineeship or staff mobility grant. In preparation of your Erasmus+ mobility, you should indicate your needs and foreseen extra costs linked to your physical, mental or health-related conditions, in order to apply for the Erasmus+ special needs support grant.

What are your access needs?

Areas that could be eligible for support linked to your Erasmus+ mobility, according to individual needs, include but are not limited to: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical attendance, supportive equipment, adaption of learning material, an accompanying person, etc.
How to apply?
Ask at the International Relations Office or Erasmus+ Coordinator at your Faculty or equivalents to help you with the Erasmus+ fewer opportunities support application form.
Information for outgoing students and staff is available at the International Relations Office and at the Disability Office(r) or equivalents at your institution.

Have a look at MapAbility, an online tool developed by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) mapping the accessibility of higher education institutions and their services, to make informed choices about your mobility destination.
The Student toolkit has been designed by students for students, and contains tips and advice to support your learning journey.

Kriterier for tildeling af fewer opportunities top-up samt inklusion

Udgående mobilitet (KA131 og KA171)

(KA 131 = Europa; KA 171 = uden for Europa)

Studerende med funktionsnedsættelser, kroniske eller behandlingskrævende lidelser (gælder både psykiske og fysiske lidelser)

•  Dokumentationskrav: Tro-og loveerklæring. Sendeinstitutionen kan kræve anden dokumentation, hvis det vurderes, at der er behov for det. Sendeinstitutionen arkiverer dokumentationen.

Studerende med borgerligt ombud eller indkaldte til tjeneste i Reserven

•  Dokumentationskrav: Indkaldelse. Selve det borgerlige ombud eller tjeneste i Re- serven skal kræve fremmøde i Danmark i samme periode som den studerendes Erasmus+-ophold. Sendeinstitutionen arkiverer dokumentationen.

Forsørgere eller ressourcepersoner (forældre, adoptivforældre, forsørger for et sygt familiemedlem, mentor eller støtteperson)

•  Dokumentationskrav: Tro-og loveerklæring. Sendeinstitutionen kan kræve anden dokumentation, hvis det vurderes, at der er behov for det. Det er ikke et krav, at børn tages med på Erasmus+-opholdet. Hjemmeinstitutionen arkiverer dokumentationen

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